Christopher Ma, MD, MPH, FRCPC

University of Calgary
Foothills Medical Centre

Saturday, January 21, 2023

11:40 am – 12:00 pm

Second Line Therapy Options After First Line Therapy Failure in IBD

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who fail a first-line biologic therapy are more difficult to manage and have higher risks of progressing to disease-related complications that impair their quality of life. Furthermore, second-line agents are less likely to succeed, making this decision more critical. In this session, we will focus on reviewing the evidence to support different advanced therapies and their relative positioning and sequencing in managing biologic exposed IBD patients.

Dr. Christopher Ma is an academic gastroenterologist at the University of Calgary, with cross-appointments in the Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences. He has advanced clinical and research training in inflammatory bowel disease and clinical trial methods. His research portfolio primarily focuses on trial design and analytic methods, and the epidemiology and treatment of inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.